December 4, 2011 - 8:31am
It was my delight to be responsible for much of the tasting and drinking experiments that are an obvious part of the development of that delicious liquid- Guinness. It was in connection with this that I began to realize how impossible it is to find human beings without biases, without prejudices, and without the delightful idiosyncrasies which make them so fascinating .... We all have prejudices about certain numbers, letters, or colours, and all of us are very superstitious. We all behave irrationally. I well remember an expensive experiment set up to discover the temperature at which beer was preferred. This involved subjects sitting in rooms at various temperatures, drinking beers at various other temperatures. Little men in white coats ran up and downstairs with beer in buckets of water at varying temperatures, thermometers abounded and an air of bustle prevailed. The beers were identified by coloured crown seals, and the only clear-cut result of this experiment ... was that our drinking panel showed that the only thing that mattered to them was the colour of the crown seals and that they did not like beer with yellow crown seals.
~ Possibly from one of the Presidential address the Royal Statistical Society
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